Create New Library

Creating a library in Librarika is completely free for upto 2000 books or records. It takes less then 5 minutes in total. First try with the basic plan, then upgrade to a very reasonable premium plan if you need more records for your library.

Nickname makes your library URL, e.g.
Name of Your Library, e.g. Presidency University Library
This email will also be your login User ID.
Please enter your administration password.
Please enter the password again.
Please provide the country your organization is located.
You must agree to both the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy of Librarika for creating your library in this platform. Please read them first before continue.

Why Librarika?

  • Instantly create your online library
  • Unlimited Library members
  • No hardware, infrastructure and software cost
  • No installation and maintenance cost
  • Easy, no technical skill required
  • Access from anywhere using any Internet enabled device
  • Support multiple library branches
  • Secure and safe
  • 100% free for upto 2000 books or records